- Data transfer:
- Import from multiple CSV files was added
- Import from files into new tables
- Data import preview dialog was added
- Target table create/alter DDL now supports database-specific options
- Virtual columns are ignored in SQL INSERTs export
- Problem with data transfer wizard and Darkest Dark theme was fixed
- Problem with timestamp format for CSV/XLSX export was fixed
- Case sensitive table/column names resolution was fixed
- Database navigator:
- Statistics render was fixed for MacOS and Linux
- Database size statistics was added for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, DB2
- Team work:
- Problem with empty Git Repositories view was fixed
- Git integration was added in project navigator view
- PostgreSQL:
- Native client version was upgraded to version 12 (Windows)
- Check constraints read was fixed (PG 12+)
- SQL results limit was fixed (for queries with LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH clauses)
- Object DDL generator was improved (comments, permissions)
- Support of case insensitive full-text search was added
- Table partitions statistics was added
- Oracle:
- TNS names search was fixed
- Connection info was fixed for TNS/custom URL connections
- Variables are now supported in custom JDBC URL (thanks to @insightfuls)
- MysQL:
- Problem with check constraints read was fixed
- Table copy was fixed (bug with redundant indexes was resolved)
- Redshift: problem with read-only resultsets was fixed
- Snowflake: SQL dialect support was fixed ($$ comments)
- A large number of minor UI improvements and bugfixes
DBeaver's interface allows for the display and creation of primary keys on tables but not unique keys. This is limiting both in that the only way to gain a full picture of a table's properties is through reading the raw DDL and that to create a unique key it must be either coded by hand or created as a primary key and then edited.
Dbeaver Snowflake Okta
- Liquibase extension to add Snowflake support. This repo should be considered the canonical version of the Snowflake extension and represents the latest and greatest version. Snowflake Extension. Initial release supports applying formatted sql changesets. It might support other types of refactorings but they haven't been tested.
- A Snowflake Schema is an extension of a Star Schema, and it adds additional dimensions. It is called snowflake because its diagram resembles a Snowflake. In a star schema, only single join defines the relationship between the fact table and any dimension tables. Star schema contains a fact table surrounded by dimension tables.
Dbeaver Snowflake Null Connection Returned
Posted in Releases