Lemon Cleaner App

  • I highly recommend Lemon Cleaners! My first transaction with them was post construction, and i was very satisfied. I continued using them for their post construction services since they have reasonable pricing. Whenever one of my clients or friends ask for a professional cleaner, I always give their number.
  • Jun 26, 2018 27. All-Purpose Lemon Cleaner. Lemon essential oil is a very powerful cleansing agent. With this recipe, you can shine stainless steel, remove grime from microwaves, freshen up your garbage disposal, and even deep clean appliances like your washing machine and refrigerator. FULL RECIPE HERE. Lavender Dryer Sponges.
  1. Lemon Cleaner App For Windows
  2. Homemade Lemon Cleaner Recipe
  3. Lemon Cleaner App For Iphone
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How To Clean Apples Naturally. You just picked these beautiful amazing apples from nature, so how should you clean them? We show you below!

How To Clean Apples Naturally

Bronze figurines, statues, and jewelry need to be cleaned every once in a while, especially if a statue has been outside or a piece of jewelry is worn regularly. Fortunately, some of the best bronze cleaners are household ingredients!.

5 Ways Without Chemicals

Ok, so when we first wrote thiswe were using these recipes to clean apples without chemicals. Since, we have been using them for all sorts of produce. Especially those yucky, waxy cucumbers and bell peppers. So this post is no longer just How To Clean Apples Naturally… it is how to clean all hard skinned product naturally!

Clarification* I don’t consider the items below chemicals. Some of you may. The article is meant to give you ideas that do not use harsh chemicals. If you are worried about dish soap, don’t use it.

How To Clean Apples Naturally

As for apples, We pick about 2 bushels of apples each September to make pies, applesauce and jelly. It can take a long time to clean every apple, so I had researched different ways to wash them. Here are my favorite chemical free, all natural ways to clean apples and any hard skinned produce.

Lemon Juice

4 cups of hot water

3 tablespoons baking soda

1/4 cup of lemon juice (bottled or fresh squeezed)

Mix together , dip each apple in using your hand to rub the film off, rinse with cold water and dry.


1 tablespoon Heinz White Vinegar, Plastic, 64 oz

1 tablespoon baking soda

4 cups of hot water

Let it sit until major fizzing stops, dip your apple, use your hand to wash. Rinse with cold water and dry.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Make your own veggie wash:

fill a clean spray bottle with half hydrogen peroxide, half water.

Mist your apples, rub clean, rinse and dry.

Dawn Dish Soap

Dawn is safe enough to clean a yucky, greasy film off of little animals!

1 drop of Dawn Dish Soap

half sink full of hot water

Swish it around, add your apples , rub clean with your hands. Rinse with cold water and dry.

The Old Fashioned Way

If none of the above suit you, rub the apple on your shirt until shiny! Hey, it is chemical free.

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FTC Disclosure: Delicious Obsessions may receive comissions from purchases made through links in this article. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.Read our full terms and conditions here.

{Note from Jessica: Today’s post is shared by my sweet friend Renee, author of Raising Generation Nourished. We became friends several years ago and I am continually impressed with her desire to help change the world, starting with our newest generation. Real food has to be core of our health and should start in the womb. Considering this is the first time in history that our children are expected to die before us, something HAS to change. I’m honored to call her a friend. I hope you’ll stop by her site, Raising Generation Nourished, and say hello!}

I need a little motivation when it comes to cleaning.

Oh, I keep a home pretty well. (As well as you can with three kids 6 and under!).

But it just isn’t my favorite thing to do. When I used to have more time to clean, you know BK (before kids!), I think I enjoyed it more, but in this season of life I need to get things done efficiently – and to be honest I want to enjoy it as much as I can.

I don’t think anyone can argue that the smell of fresh lemons brightens up any mood! And lemons are great for cleaning, freshening, and cutting dirt and grease – they work for cleaning so well. Making your own lemon cleaner can also be one of those super simple baby steps toward getting chemicals out of your house!

Grab whatever jar you can find in your house and start stuffing away those lemon rinds after squeezing them for your lemon water everyday – you can stash the jar in the drawer of your fridge to keep it from molding until it is ready to make (you will need a full jar).

Or! You can do what I like to do! I make fermented lemonade by the gallon so there are enough leftover rinds in one shot to make this refreshing lemon cleaner!


This is as quick as it gets, it is less wasteful, and the cleaner is super effective. Remember the kid thing? Yeah – they can make a mess real quick!

Lemon Cleaner App For Windows

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 21 days5 minutes

Homemade Lemon Cleaner Recipe

When it comes to household cleaning, this is as quick as it gets, it is less wasteful, and the cleaner is super effective. It's a great way to use up all the lemon rinds leftover from your daily lemon-water and tea too!


  • Lemon rinds enough to fill at least a quart jar. I like to use a half gallon jar to do a lot at once! I would also recommend organic lemons as citrus is highly pesticided and we are talking about using the actual rinds here. I wouldn't want to be spraying pesticides to clean the counters we prep food on!


  1. Stuff your jar with the lemon rinds and fill with enough vinegar to cover the rinds - I like to really squish down my rinds and get as many in there as I can to make it as lemon-y as possible!
  2. Put a lid on your jar and leave it on the counter, in a closet, or on a shelf for 2-3 weeks.
  3. Strain out the lemon rinds and bottle your lemon vinegar. You can add essential oils of your choosing for extra cleaning power. I keep a lemon cleaner bottle with tea tree and lavender in the bathroom for antibacterial spraying.

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Lemon Cleaner App For Iphone

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