
The Notecard is designed to bring the power of the internet to your offline products. Add secure IoT connectivity to your fleet without throwing out your existing hardware or controllers. Read the docs → Securely connect to any cloud application. The Notecard The Notecard is a device-to-cloud data pump that reduces the complexity of building connected solutions with secure, reliable cellular. As an embeddable system on module (SoM), the Notecard can be used with any microcontroller for both greenfield and retrofit projects using your own design, or one of our custom designed Notecarriers. Free fps for mac no download.

  1. Personalized Stationery Cards
  2. Notecards

NoteCard is a friendly utility that teaches you to recognize musical notes. It's designed as an ideal tool for anyone in the first stages of learning to read music. Shop for customizable note cards on Zazzle. Decorate a card with a picture, design, artwork, or text you upload to our personalization tool.

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Personalized Stationery Cards

ˈnəʊtˌkɑːdNoteCard) n


1. a simple greetings card with either a blank side, or a blank space on the illustrated side, to write a note
2. an index card, etc on which notes and memoranda may be written
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

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An index card or similar card used for recording notes or other information.
The definition of a small firm sheet of paper used for writing a short message or for keeping small pieces of information.

The lined cards used for presentation notes are an example of notecard.

A small card, enclosed in an envelope, having a photograph or illustration printed on one side and the other side used for sending short messages.
A paper card on which notes are written, or which is intended for such use.

Origin of notecard

  • From Wiktionary