
Paint net. The pingstatus command is a convenient way to ping your address field. Itunes movie rentals. The README.txt provides usage and instructions on how to install and test it. Download pages for macbook pro. Your Splunk instance must be running as root or sudo root access to call the ICMP protocol, which is what this uses from acknowledged public domain sources. If your using XP/2003+ (this includes Vista/2008/7), then you can use the Win32PingStatus.The machines inwhich is running the script code is the only system which needs to be XP/2003+, and it works just like using Ping.exe, only it's not using ping.exe so it should act as a loophole to your security setting which does not allow the execution of ping.exe.

  1. Pingstatus
  2. Ping Status Hypixel
  3. Pingstatus Mac App



Ping Status Hypixel


Pingstatus Mac App

VBScript Code:
WScript.Echo ' on-line: ' & Ping( '' )
Function Ping( myHostName )
' This function returns True if the specified host could be pinged.
' myHostName can be a computer name or IP address.
' The Win32_PingStatus class used in this function requires Windows XP or later.
' This function is based on the TestPing function in a sample script by Don Jones
' Standard housekeeping
Dim colPingResults, objPingResult, strQuery
' Define the WMI query
strQuery = 'SELECT * FROM Win32_PingStatus WHERE Address = ' & myHostName & ''
' Run the WMI query
Set colPingResults = GetObject('winmgmts://./root/cimv2').ExecQuery( strQuery )
' Translate the query results to either True or False
For Each objPingResult In colPingResults
If Not IsObject( objPingResult ) Then
Ping = False
ElseIf objPingResult.StatusCode = 0 Then
Ping = True
Ping = False
End If
Set colPingResults = Nothing
End Function
Windows version:XP, Server 2003, or Vista
Client software:N/A
Script Engine:any
Summarized:Works in Windows XP or later.
Doesn't work in Windows 95, 98, ME, NT 4 or 2000.
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System Scripting Runtime
VBScript Code:
WScript.Echo ' on-line: ' & PingSSR( '' )
Function PingSSR( myHostName )
' This function returns True if the specified host could be pinged.
' myHostName can be a computer name or IP address.
' This function requires the System Scripting Runtime by Franz Krainer
' Standard housekeeping
Dim objIP
Set objIP = CreateObject( 'SScripting.IPNetwork' )
If objIP.Ping( myHostName ) = 0 Then
PingSSR = True
PingSSR = False
End If
Set objIP = Nothing
End Function
Windows version:Windows 98, ME, NT 4, 2000, XP, Server 2003 or Vista
Client software:System Scripting Runtime
Script Engine:any
Summarized:Works in Windows 98 and later with System Scripting Runtime is installed, with any script engine.
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